Team Bad Frog

Team Bad Frog
Beyond All Doubt Fully Rely On God

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I just received this email from fellow BAD FROG Robby Drake. It is a great testimony to how we as members of the body of Christ, working through a ministry can effect the world. The creative possibilities are infinite. Thanks Robby for your service to and witness of Christ through all that you do.



I am sponsoring, my U12 girls soccer team, on behalf of our Tri Club. We are currently in first place after 7 games and have allowed only 3 goals all season. What was really cool is this. On our uniforms, being sensitive to other religious affiliations, we printed the silhouette of a frog, and then the words “BADFROG multisport”, with no other explanation. After a practice a couple of mothers came to me and expressed their approval, and knowledge that BADFROG means to beyond all doubt fully rely on God. That moment was really cool; they appreciated our silent witness to them with out shoving it into their faces. As we spoke, and witnessed to each other several other players and parents learned of the meaning and were similarly moved. This is pointed because one of my favorite Christian songs goes “They will know we are Christians by our love”.


Contributions to this Blog

Good Morning to All of You!!

Now that you have seen the site, we are hoping and praying that you may have things you would like to contribute to this blog. Articles, information, photos, etc. If you would be interested in such a thing, just email us at:

May the Lord Richly Bless You!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Riviera Beach Triathlon #3 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008, was the third race in the Riviera Beach Trilogy, sponsored by J-Town Bikes and produced by Multirace, which comprised a ¼ mile ocean swim, 10 mile bike ride and 3.1 mile run.

After a Saturday evening carbo-loading feast of spaghetti, salad, garlic bread and brownies at Don and Ann Pennington’s lovely new Lake Park home, not to mention great fellowship and some good-natured ribbing, the Frogs called it an early night.

On race day, the first members of Team BAD FROG (Beyond all doubt, fully rely on God) began arriving in the pre-dawn hours at the Ocean Mall and started our race-day preparations. Bike tires, equipment, bags and provisions were checked and re-checked before we made our way to the transition area to set up, then to get body-marked. The faithful BAD FROG supporters sacrificed prime snoozing hours to be there to cheer us on: Bruce and the Cole boys, Katie and the Bennett girls, Ann Pennington, Dana McMichael and Jenny Drake.

More than a few nerves were set on edge by the rough seas, thanks to an active week of tropical storms and hurricanes that otherwise spared Southeast Florida. As the sun began to rise, a few of the Frogs who dared a couple warm-up laps were slammed by waves. We were not deterred, but rather, gathered in a prayer huddle, proudly wearing the bright blue and yellow BAD FROG colors and began the race in our usual fashion: asking God for His blessing and protection and thanking Him for our group.

All seven of the participating frogs finished strong, including Brian and Lisa Smith, Chris Gunn, Tom Bennett, Lisa Cole, and Evan and Don Pennington, many even receiving trophies. However, the real reward was the crowd that gathered in the BAD FROG tent after the race. Chiropractor Dr. Damon Moss offered free adjustments to anyone willing to wait, which gave the FROGS a chance to meet and engage new people and to directly or indirectly share with them our purpose: “We exist to Glorify God by being and making disciples.” Those words are printed on our jerseys and we seek through each race to be a witness to His love, not only to those in our group through the great friendships we have formed and through the encouragement we give each other, but to the entire racing community wherever we go.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

What's A BAD FROG Any Way?

B.A.D. F.R.O.G. is an acronym for Beyond All Doubt Fully Rely On God.

We are a Multi-sport Athletics Ministry encompassing, but not limited to swimming, running and bicycling. Our members compete in triathlons, adventure races, and running races and participate in multiple training events as a group.

Team Bad Frog welcomes everyone to join no matter what your ability might be. If you have an interest in ministry and athletics, we encourage you to join our team’s journey.

Mission Statement

Through First Presbyterian Church of North Palm Beach, FL – we are an Athletic Ministry dedicated to being a Christ-centered fellowship of athletes for the purposes of athletics training, spiritual growth and Christian outreach.